Friday 24 October 2008

New Music: Zoe Keating

I have always been a huge fan of cellos. It has that melancholic but at the same time very warm quality about it that just hits my soul. Today I was watching a vblog by Imogen Heap. She was talking about going to pop!tech and I just randomly clicked on a related pop!tech clip. On came Zoe Keating. I have also been a fan of sampling for a long time and really wanted to learn it (I just need money for some equipment). Anyways, Zoe Keating samples her own cello playing live and makes music of it. Some of the most amazing stuff I've seen for a long while. Really beautiful and new.
Take a look.

1 comment:

TFATDHQ said...

Zoe is an amazing musician - love the way she layers stuff

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