The balls was beautifully lit with patters, lights, videos etc.
I am sitting here wondering to myself: "What is it with Coldplay live?"....
In 2003 I saw Coldplay live at the Quart festival in Kristiansand. I had never seen them live, and quite liked their music, so I was a bit excited. I was no huge fan, but a fan. Oh MAN! They blew me away! I was totally Coldplay-hyped for a great time after.
Now 5 years have passed and still remember that the concert was great and still have their albums and like their songs but it was back to ok. They are good, but what's all the fuzz about.. That kind of feeling. By a very lucky furn of events I got to go and see them in Oslo Spectrum tonight. I wasn't even keen enough to sit in line and wait for the tickets when they were first sold, so I wasn't that crazy about it. Since then though I have listened to the new album a lot (as you can tell from this blogg) and I really liked a lot of it. So when my friend called today and asked if I wanted to come, I said: "Yes!! Please!!".
I was feeling like a cold was coming on so I put on practical clothes and thought that I might have to sit down from time to time, so I was actually quite happy when I found out that the tickets where to seats not to stand in front of the stage. I like the new record, but not THAT much, it would be ok to sit.
So we found our seats quite high up and at the side of the stage but the good thing was that the stage was open so we could see all from the side. Excitedly we waited and tried not to fall of the seats and into the great beyond. That is steap.
Anyways, finally they came on. And my oh my.... They started the whole show playing "And den schönen blauen Donau". Just that is quite amazing. And then it all started. Dear lord.. that Chris Martin, he knows how to hold an audience going... Even though I was that far away I could almost feel his presece. He sprints around stage, talks and screams and waves and might be the only man I have ever seen (except Bono maybe) who can make 8000 clapp just by looking at them and stop... "It's nice clapping but stricktly not necissery" I don't know. It's hard to describe. There is some kind of magic. You get sucked into it. I kind of get how people can become cult members. When Chris Marting tells you to sing, you sing! I think this clip from Oslo in 2005 says a lot:
During the whole Quart show, Chris actually spoke only Norwegian. It was amazing. Tonight he just kept talking about how sorry he was for not talking Norwegian, very sweet. His love of Norway at least seams genuine, though you have a sneaking suspision that he might have "other lovers" or rather "a different lover" each night. It just seams like he love the audiences and love being on stage. Even though if he said: "Ah you are the Norweigans, the great singers!".
As the concert progressed on they moved out to an "island" in the middle of the audience and did a techno version kind of thing of "God put a smile upon your face" and "Talk". Then they moved up into the seated audience and played a few songs from there. Chris saying how sorry he is for not being able to play harmonica the way he should. Sounded quite good though. He also actually showed that he is a quite good piano player. He did some wonderful classical stuff between songs.
At the end they showered the audience with confetti and by then we just keeps standing and clapping ans screaming oohohooooooooooo... ohohoooooh (As in Viva La Vida) after doing that for a few minutes Chris returned with Magne Furuholmen of A-ha explaing what a huge A-ha fan they are and Mags played piano while Chris sang. Amazing. The whole concert ended with an amazing version of Yellow. I am really glad they didn't do a lot of the old songs though and did all the more rocked one and a lot of the new ones :) I almost wanted to sing "hoooow long must she wait for iiit" when we reached the refrain of Yellow though. Those two songs must be very similar somehow.
All in all... It was amazing. The lights and show as a whole was also very very great. And the rest of the band was of course amazing to, but they are kind of just being shadowed by mister Martin. Oh, he got a big hole in his pants by the way. "You Norwegians have such nice legs, this could be fatal, you don't want to see our legs, trust me".
You are so right - the concert was absolutely fantastic. The youtube you're showing is actually my brother's take from the 2005-concert...and I guess it's me who are yelling besides :) Cool to see the clip here... :)
Ah! Glad someone read my comments and that they loved it to. One my friends attended his second rock concert and he's still high from it. hehe... That is so cool that that's your brother. Thanks so much to him for posting it. Perfect description of the energy of mr. Martin. Read my other Coldplay posts two. I curious to know what you think about the one about Death and all of his friends.
Well... I've been a Coldplay-fan since Parachutes, when I was only a little teen-ager and heard some of the songs on my brother's pc. I definitely loved them, and the more I heard from Coldplay, the more I loved them. They'd become my favorite band of all time when they released X&Y, and I loved that album so freaking much. But Parachutes and Rush of Blood is better albums, even though X&Y had some of the best songs they've ever written, such as Fix You, Swallowed in the Sea and The Hardest Part.
And then Viva came. I think it's even better than both of the first two, and I think you're absolutely right about DAAHF, that is one masterpiece of a composition. You describe it very well, it's like a summary of everything the band has done. And besides of that you've got Viva, Lovers in Japan, Reign of Love, Yes - all of the songs, I love them!
I can't wait for december, when they're releasing an EP with songs that didn't make it to the album. INCLUDING "Postcards From Far Away", the one Chris played on piano after The Hardest Part on friday.
Keep writing, I'll follow your blog from now on... ;)
(And whoa, when and where was that Travis-gig? I'd like to be there!)
Oh, thanks so much :) I am really honored :) Trust me I won't. Be prepared for lots of music stuff and a healthy dose of Radiohead too.. hehe Glad you feel the same about DAAOHF too :)
Travis: See post further down on the page ;)
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