Sunday 15 June 2008

Mother and Medieval times

This weekend my mum came to visit me in the city. Belive it or not, she has actually let some friends borrow her house to celebrate their wedding, so she came to stay with me for two days while it all went down. First of all we went on a little shopping spree around the city. I got some nice new black sandals, great purple shirt and came to a very clear realization that I really don't like pattern on clothes. At least I am very picky and know very well what kind of clothes I like to wear. I try not to just choose purple and black clothes after my long period of just wearing these two colors a few years ago. Somehow I am still drawn to them though and still feel the urge to buy more black and purple... I also love green and blues a lot more though, so I guess I am getting better.

Today we decided to attend The Medieval Festival in Oslo. The medieval part of Oslo is more or less reduced to ruins and neglected for a long time but the last years a whole area of ruins have been taken more care of and is no a seperate park. Every August the rock festival Øyafestivalen takes place in the area among all the ruins, but today it was time to remember the medieval times.

On the way over we stopped and had a look at Oslo's new opera-bulding that was just done. I was there in May on my own and was absolutely godsmacked because of the beauty of the building. Really amazed. It was still very very beautiful today. Big and white with interesting shaped and lines and just on the waterfront. It looks like a mix between a gigantic iceberg and a mountain plateau in the winter, that is so white that you feel blinded by the whiteness. Truely beautiful and amazingly so because it's Norwegian :)

When we got to the Medieval festival a knight's tournament had just started, so we took a look at that before looking around in the general area, filled with all kinds of exciting glimpses into the old days. While walking around it really started pouring down and I got quite wet so I hope that I won't get a cold. Probably not. The weather was so bad that we didn't stay for long and didn't get to see half of what we wanted. It's so typichal: after days on days with sunny weather it really pours down when we wanted to be outside for a day... argh.. I hope to go back next year though and maybe get a bit more involved also? Love the history and the period and it was a great festival.

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